When you suffer from a sudden health problem, emergency care facilities are there to provide you with the medical attention you need. Professionals like the renowned EMS specialist Dr Michael Hilton are trained to provide the highest quality of care in the most efficient way possible. Whether you are dealing with a broken bone or a serious medical emergency, these facilities are equipped to provide the medical attention you need.
Basic Treatments Offered
Patients who are experiencing minor injuries are often seen here, as are those who are sick with common illnesses. Many of these conditions can be treated with over-the-counter medications, making them easy to resolve quickly. Injuries that cause pain, such as sprains, strains, and contusions, can be treated with ice packs or ibuprofen, depending on the severity.
Stabilizing a Patient’s Condition
Following a medical emergency or a life-threatening condition, such as a heart attack or stroke, stabilization is key to helping the patient feel better. This may include treating symptoms of pain, managing a patient’s infection, or keeping them hydrated. Patients may also need to be admitted to the hospital to be closely monitored and receive medications that will help them feel better.
Specialized Treatments
Many emergency care facilities, such as large hospitals, have specialists on staff who can provide specialized treatments. Examples include endocrinology, cardiology, orthopedics, and radiology. Some facilities may have a central location where all of these specialists are located so that patients can be seen and treated as quickly as possible.
Life-Threatening Infections
Many emergency care facilities have a dedicated team of infectious disease specialists. These specialists can help patients with life-threatening infections, such as sepsis, meningitis, and deep-vein thrombosis. If a patient’s infection is causing them to experience symptoms such as high fever, rapid heart rate, difficulty breathing, or confusion, they should be treated immediately.
Serious Medical Emergencies
Finally, with Dr Michael Hilton emergency care facilities are there to help save lives in the event of a serious medical emergency. These include car accidents, falls, shootings, and emotional breakdowns. During an emergency, there may not be time to figure out what exactly the medical condition is. A patient may need to be transported to the hospital immediately for life-saving treatment for eventual recovery.